速報APP / 商業 / Hanson Pizza Bar

Hanson Pizza Bar



檔案大小:27.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Hanson Pizza Bar(圖1)-速報App

This is the official app for Hanson Pizza Bar located at Woodville North.

There are lots of meal deals to give you pizza, garlic bread and drinks as well as a full menu that you can choose from. There's a gluten-free crust as well as all sorts of snacks.

Whether you are in the mood for ribs, chicken wings, chips and gravy, risotto, veal, chicken or something else, Hanson Pizza Bar has it on the menu.

All of this can now be easily ordered directly through our App.

Hanson Pizza Bar(圖2)-速報App

Why download our app?

> Check out our delicious menu on the go - anywhere, anytime.

> Order online by signing up (a one off process that takes 5 seconds)

> A smartly designed display of menu that simply makes online ordering a breeze (including secured online payments)

Hanson Pizza Bar(圖3)-速報App

> Provides a list of order history

> Receive promotions and deals via push notifications

> Find our contact details including location, contact number etc,.

More importantly, you will be supporting the local business by ordering direct to us!!

Hanson Pizza Bar(圖4)-速報App

PS: Automatic updates in the future will bring up cool new features like reordering of previous order, current offers section etc,. whilst maintaining the ease of online ordering.

Hanson Pizza Bar(圖5)-速報App
